Round 2

Lyndsay Riffe
April 16, 2010

Last week was an off week. I had an extra busy work week, and was still dealing with the aftermath of a move. (Unpacking and organizing seemed so much more worthwhile than going to the gym.) Thanks to Team WILD, I have a new appreciation for sticking to a training schedule. This dedication however brings guilt when life gets in the way of following the plan.

I was stressing about what to write in my blog, and mostly how to turn a disappointing week into a positive message. Yesterday was a beautiful day in Chicago ( 80+ degrees, sunny, and a nice breeze.) I decided to put the blog and all other work on hold, so I could get my run in.

I am training for a marathon, so a 13 mile run was on the agenda. Preparing for exercise and having diabetes is never a simple/quick task between insulin adjustments and making sure one has enough carbs on hand. As I was stuffing my spibelt with raisins and gu’s, I thought about how convenient it was I knew how much carb I would need for the run. Thru strong diabetes education and trial and error last year for the 2009 WILD event, I knew that I consume 50g carb per hour. I also fully appreciate and live the concept RUNNING ON INSULIN. I feel my best with just a slight decrease in my basal rate (about 20% reduction) and that allows me to fuel properly for longer durations.

Preparing for my 2nd 70.3 brings a different perspective. Last year at this point, I was still marveled how I could do all the distances separately, but to put it all together, what was I thinking! I was also curious how I would exactly manage my diabetes during such a long event.

Now, I know I can do the distances. I know I can manage my diabetes optimally. I have my system down. Now, I know the importance of getting my workouts in. At the same time, I have to remind myself there will be “off” weeks, and what gets us to the finish line is the ongoing efforts put into training. I still have a lot I can improve on, but it is fun to be able to build on last years experiences. And what a relief that I know I can swim 1.2 miles under an hour.

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