A Bit of a Slacker

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Lorrie DiCesare
May 11, 2010

Hello everyone. I'll admit it; I've been a bit of a slacker with my blogging responsibilities. I missed April entirely and I'm lat for May. Why? I guess I really didn't think I had much, if anything, to say. Well, now I do, so here goes.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Lorrie DiCesare. I'm almost 47 years old, which I can't believe, live in the Chicago land area with several other WILD women, and have been living with Type 1 diabetes for almost 31 years. I was on the half Ironman team last year for which was a complete blast. Yes, the training was hard and time consuming, but it was an incredible experience. I met so many wonderful women and the coaching and support was awesome, I just couldn't pass up another opportunity to do it all again.

While I am completely committed to all aspects of WILD, I have to admit I've been a bit of a slacker on the training side. I'm really not sure what's gotten into me over the last month, and really am a bit unsure if I should be writing about this in a blog because it's not going to appear to be positive.

The last five days have been the most difficult for me in regards to training. I'll plan out my training, which I usually do after work, get excited about my plan throughout the day, then on my way home from work, my motivation gets totally depleted. What the heck is wrong with me? Over the past 5 days, I have virtually done nothing. Wait! I'll be honest; I haven't swum a yard, sat my butt on my bike, or ran a mile. this is terrible!!!!

I've spoken to a couple of people about this, and they say that sometimes you just need a break. Is that what I'm going through and will I get past it? This weekend I am doing my first sprint distance triathlon of the year. It's a short one: 450 yard indoor swim, 11.2 mile bike, and a 5k run. My hope is that by doing this, it will reenergize me.

Has anyone else experienced what I'm experiencing? What have you done to get motivated? I would love to hear about other experiences. Send some good vibes my way for my sprint distance tri this weekend.

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